Hi, I'm Basit!

Welcome to my campaign for Student Trustee!Experienced in student representation from years spent in student councils and on committees for clubs, I'm excited to be running for Student Trustee in the upcoming union election. I'm passionate about addressing the most significant challenges facing our Union over the next couple of years. I have three main principles of my campaign that I will adhere to as an excellent student trustee.

Principle 1


Efficiency and effectiveness is at the core of my campaign. With the implementation of a new strategy of "Moving beyond basics", I intend to streamline decision-making procedures and ensure that our Union is serving students effectively. By simplifying bureaucratic processes, providing support to our staff and volunteers, and setting clear goals, I'm committed to improving our Union's operations for the benefit of all students.

Principle 2


Inclusivity is also a top priority for me. I believe that every student's voice should be heard and represented, regardless of their background or identity. I'm committed to creating an inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated, and barriers are broken down. By continually evaluating and improving our Union's practices, I aim to foster a welcoming community for all.

Principle 3


Sustainability is another key focus of my campaign. I recognise the urgent need to reduce our environmental footprint, and I'm dedicated to embedding sustainability into our Union's operations and decision-making processes. This will involve conducting sustainability assessments, setting sustainability goals, and incorporating sustainable practices in event planning, procurement, and resource management. I believe in empowering students to make sustainable choices for a better future.

My role as a trustee

Nolan Principles

The seven principles of public life, also known as the Nolan Principles, are: Honesty, Integrity, Objectivity, Accountability, Openness, Leadership, Selflessness.As a Student Trustee at Imperial Union, I promise to uphold the Nolan Principles, with openness as my top priority.I'll ensure all financial information is accurate and transparent, promoting trust among trustees and members. I'll foster open communication with staff and volunteers, resolving issues truthfully and respectfully. And I'll provide students with truthful information about Union activities, maintaining transparency and integrity throughout my term.

Thank you for your vote!
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